Education Technology

Design Challenge THREE

Cabin fever

Imagine being stuck inside your home for six months to a year. That gives you a general idea about life aboard the International Space Station.

Now think about this: What if you had to spend two years inside a spacecraft?

Design the living and working spaces for a vehicle that will take a crew on a mission to Mars and back.

Take your students on a tour of the International Space Station with Dr. Robert Johnson, a team leader at NASA’s Habitability Design Center, who explains how engineers are adapting the space station’s crew quarters and laboratories for a mission to Mars.

Each astronaut has their own personal space, but it is only about the size of a bathroom stall. There are also two bathrooms, exercise areas, multiple laboratories, and observation windows looking down on the world.

This design has been working well in low-Earth orbit for 15 years, but how would you adapt the design to support a mission to Mars?


Before you start

Make sure you have the Adult Sponsor/Educator Guide and the Design Notebook.

Fun Facts

In space there is no up or down

When living in zero gravity, there is no such thing as a “floor” or “ceiling.” Some other things to think about for this Design Challenge include:

  • Workout areas, crew cabins, laboratories and restrooms on the space station are located in very, very close proximity.

  • Short wavelength light — such as the backlight from your cell phone — inhibits your body from producing melatonin.

  • LED lighting on the space station enables astronauts to customize their work and personal areas.

  • On a Mars mission, there can be a 20-minute delay — in both directions — for radio messages between the spacecraft and Earth.

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