Science Nspired
Guide students to conceptual mastery with free, NGSS-aligned interactive simulations and data-collection labs for Vernier Software & Technology sensors and TI-Nspire™ technology.
Drive deeper, more relevant understanding of science in middle grades and high school.
Challenge students in middle grades and high school to engage in the processes and practices that scientists and engineers use to solve real-world problems.
Texas Instruments (TI) supports Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) implementation in middle grades and high school with:
Guide students to conceptual mastery with free, NGSS-aligned interactive simulations and data-collection labs for Vernier Software & Technology sensors and TI-Nspire™ technology.
Motivate inquiry and understanding with sample lessons and templates for aligning middle grades and high school curricula with NGSS dimensions.
Teachers Teaching with TechnologyTM (T 3TM) programs enhance teaching practices and content knowledge, and support integration of Texas Instruments technology into NGSS-aligned curricula.