Education Technology

Computer science resources

Lessons using Python

Get Python lessons and activities for the TI-Nspire™ CX II or TI-84 Plus CE Python graphing calculator.

CSTA Standards Alignment

See how TI coding and CS content is aligned to CSTA computer science standards.

python logo For TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators

Python lessons by topic

Download Intro to CS and AP® CSP lessons made for TI-Nspire™ CX II technology — created by computer science teachers.

Introduction to Computer Science (with TI-Innovator™ Rover)
Introduction to Computer Science (with TI-Innovator™ Hub)
Conditional Statements
Introduction to Lists – Calculator only
Operating on Lists – Calculator only
Do While Loops – Calculator only
For Loops – Calculator only
While Loops – Calculator only
Sequential and Binary Search
End-of-Course Projects
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Quick and easy lessons that cover what beginners need to know.

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Python modules with activities

Short activities designed to teach ways to use fun TI add-on modules that extend the capabilities of TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators.


A visually rich and engaging introduction to text-based coding — ideal for students new to Python. Use code to draw lines, shapes and patterns in ways that strengthen computational thinking. Download here.

TI Draw

The pixel-based drawing module that encourages students to create art with object-oriented data structures.


TI Image

Teach students how altering an image’s color, orientation, size and other adjustments is all possible through Python programming with the right tools and algorithms.

python logo For TI-84 Plus CE Python graphing calculators


Quick and easy lessons that cover what beginners need to know.

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Python modules with activities

Short activities designed to teach ways to use fun TI add-on modules that extend the capabilities of TI-84 Plus CE Python graphing calculators.


A visually rich and engaging introduction to text-based coding — ideal for students new to Python. Use code to draw lines, shapes and patterns in ways that strengthen computational thinking. Download here.

TI Draw

The pixel-based drawing module that encourages students to create art with object-oriented data structures.

TI Image

Teach students how altering an image’s color, orientation, size and other adjustments is all possible through Python programming with the right tools and algorithms.

Pilot TI technology — at no cost!

Know what projects you want to try? Request to pilot TI technology and all project materials you need for up to 2 weeks.*

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*While supplies are available.