Education Technology

TI Technology
Rewards Program

Get rewarded for TI purchases! Exchange points for free TI technology, professional development and exclusive swag.

Take advantage of the TI Technology Rewards Program

The TI Technology Rewards Program (TRP) lets teachers earn points from every purchase of a TI calculator — and redeem them for free products, services and swag! Just ask students to save their TI calculator package, snag the points on it, and return them to you. Then follow the simple instructions to redeem your points for awesome rewards.

Take a look at the TRP Points Value Chart to see how many points each TI technology purchase is worth.


Graphing Calculators Points to Redeem

TI-Nspire™ CX II Teacher Bundle (one calculator, 4-year license) 2,300
TI-Nspire™ CX II CAS Teacher Bundle (one calculator, 4-year license) 2,300
TI-84 Plus CE Teacher Bundle (one calculator, 4-year license) 2,150

Graphing Calculator Accessories

TI Rechargeable Battery (with or without wires) 120
Cordless USB Adapter 120
TI-84 Plus CE Slide Case (EZ-Spot – School Property Version) 175
TI-Nspire™ CX II Slide Case (EZ-Spot – School Property Version) 175
TI-Nspire™ CX II CAS Slide Case 175
TI-Nspire™ CX Docking Station 1,750
TI Charging Station CE 900
Docking Station Cable and Adapter 240
Carrying Bag (holds 30 TI graphing calculators) 400
CBR™ 2 Motion Sensor 1,250
TI-Innovator™ Hub 750
TI-Innovator™ Rover 1,550

Software and Online Calculators (one-year subscription)

Minimum of five seats required for redemption. If interested in a teacher license, please contact your local Technology Consultant.
TI-Nspire™ CX Student Software 45 per seat
TI-Nspire™ CX CAS Student Software 45 per seat
TI-84 Plus CE online calculator 45 per seat
TI-Nspire™ online calculator 45 per seat
Note: Please include a completed software form with the request

TI-Nspire™ CX Navigator™ System

All Navigator redemptions include a one-hour custom virtual TI training session.
TI-Nspire™ CX Navigator™ System 10-User Add On (Access Point and Software not included) 5,750
TI-Nspire™ CX Navigator™ System 10-User System 17,250
TI-Nspire™ CX Navigator™ System 30-User System 28,750

Professional development

Professional Learning and Training Points to Redeem

One-hour custom virtual TI training session 1,500
T³™ Summer Workshop: Full day (for one educator)* 3,300
T³™ On-Site Workshop: Half day (up to 25 educators)** 30,000
T³™ On-Site Workshop: Full day (up to 25 educators)** 40,000
*Registration plus Teacher Bundle for one educator
**For up to 25 educators, without additional technology


Swag items are limited to one redemption per individual, per drop and are redeemed on a first-come, first-serve basis. A drop is designated by a specific quantity of items made available on a specific date.

Sign up for TI emails to stay updated on the latest rewards!

April 1, 2024 DropPoints to Redeem

Graphing Calculator Buddy Pillow (100 quantity available) 1,500
TI-84 Plus CE Earrings (50 quantity available) 500

September 1, 2024 DropPoints to Redeem

TI-84 Buddy Plushie (150 quantity available) 2,000

How to earn points

The TI Technology Rewards Program uses a system where purchases of TI technology earn you points. The chart below outlines the number of points earned for each purchase.

Graphing Calculators and Teacher Bundles Points Earned

Software and Online Calculators (per seat)

TI-Nspire™ CX or CX CAS Student Software (one-year subscription) 3
TI-84 Plus CE online calculator 3
TI-Nspire™ CX II online calculator 3

How to redeem your points

Please allow 6-8 weeks for fulfillment.

K-12 Educators have two ways to redeem points for rewards. Please note these two ways CANNOT be combined.

Option 1: Mail them in

Add up the correct number of points for the reward(s) of your choice and mail them to the appropriate address provided below, included with a letter on school letterhead listing the reward(s) you want.

Option 2: Submit an invoice

Make a request on school letterhead signed by the principal or math/science coordinator. Requests must be accompanied by a copy of either the receiving copy of a purchase order or shipping invoice.

Purchase orders or shipping invoices must be submitted within one year from the original date of purchase.

If requesting seats of the TI software, please include a completed TI Technology Rewards Program Request Form with your request.

Mail by USPS (registered mail recommended)

Texas Instruments
TI Technology Rewards Program
PO Box 650311, MS 3817
Dallas, TX 75265

Mail by other carrier

Texas Instruments
TI Technology Rewards Program
13532 N. Central Expressway, MS 3817
Dallas, TX 75243

Universities and Colleges
Starting October 1, 2025, university and college educators who recommend TI technology in their courses can claim a complimentary three-year license for their choice of TI teacher software. The request form will be available on this page and educators can redeem this offer every three years.

Until October 1, 2025, educators can continue to submit their request on university letterhead along with this TRP form. Please mail completed request and form as outlined above.
Please note:

  • One request per department per semester will be honored
  • Requests should be based on number of students enrolled in courses

For questions about the TI Technology Rewards Program, fill in our contact form or call 1.800.842.2737 (toll free).

Program Restrictions

This offer is valid only for elementary, secondary, and college educators in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. Not valid with other promotions. These terms and conditions are subject to interpretation by Texas Instruments in their sole discretion. Texas Instruments may modify, alter, delete or add new program policies and procedures for this program at any time without notice. This includes modifying, altering, adding or deleting TI technology, point values, redemption levels, conversion ratios, reward delivery methods and conditions. These changes may affect the value of the points already accumulated. Texas Instruments may terminate the Technology Rewards program, or any element of the program, at any time.

*Packaging may not include TRP points, so please provide paid invoice or send physical UPC barcodes as proof of purchase.