Peter Liljedahl, Ph.D., is a Professor of Mathematics Education in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University. He’s the author of the best-selling book, “Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics (Grades K–12): 14 Teaching Practices for Enhancing Learning.”

Connect with a community of educators for the next Virtual T³IC
We’re excited to jump back online for the 34th annual T³IC — the two-day virtual experience you don’t want to miss this summer. Connect with an ever-growing community of educators as we explore ways to enrich teaching and learning in math, science and STEM education.
Join colleagues and guest speakers as they share teaching experiences and exchange insights on how to continually motivate students to learn, grow and succeed.
- Attend dynamic sessions led by thought leaders and experts in education
- Explore new strategies for utilizing TI technology in the classroom
- Get resources and activities to get students excited about math, science and STEM
- Learn new skills to take into the classroom to prepare for back to school
- Connect and share ideas with educators from around the world
- Take advantage of special events and opportunities to win fun prizes
Mark your calendars for 2022 Virtual T³IC, July 28–29. Experience the virtual conference live, or follow along at your own pace with on-demand recordings of all the sessions. Stay tuned for updates!

Join us for his opening keynote, “Building Thinking Classrooms,” as he shares his insights into how teachers can transform their classrooms from a space where students mimic to one where students think.

Don’t miss his closing keynote, “How to Connect to Students and Inspire Them” for an in-depth discussion around the art of cultivating strong student-teacher learning relationships for inspired education.

Breakout sessions
T³IC features a series of one-hour breakout sessions with time reserved for Q&A. Attend sessions on a wide range of topics that discuss various ways of using TI technology for discovery and exploration to create richer learning experiences in math, science and STEM education.
Session topics include:
- Effective teaching strategies
- Test preparation
- Coding
- STEM projects
- Data collection and analysis
- And more

Certificate of Attendance
All attendees receive a certificate of attendance, which may be submitted to your school or district for professional development credit.

Continuing Education Units
Acquire 1.0 Continuing Education Units (CEU) through Adams State University. (Additional fee applies.)
The registration deadline is August 4, 2022.

Registration for the 2022 Virtual T³IC is now closed.

Group discount
Attend with your team and save! When you register four attendees, the fifth registers for free.

Claim your swag box
Register by July 1 to receive your free conference swag box featuring an exclusive T³IC hat, fun calculator squishy, notebook and more.*
*While supplies last.

Borrow TI technology
We’ll lend you the technology you need to get the most from your conference experience. Choose to borrow a TI-Nspire™ CX II or TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator absolutely free — we’ll even cover the shipping cost.
Quantities are limited and provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Request yours by July 1.

Watch on demand
Catch every conference session on your own schedule. They’re all recorded and available on demand through the end of September.
Thursday, July 28, 2022
"Building Thinking Classrooms" with Peter Liljedahl, Ph.D.
9:45 – 10:45 a.m. Central time
Much of how classrooms look and much of what happens in them today is guided by institutional norms laid down at the inception of an industrial-age model of public education. These norms have enabled a culture of teaching and learning that is often devoid of student thinking.
Breakout session #1
11:05 a.m. – 12:35 p.m. Central time
CAS + Notes Page = Dynamic Learning Opportunities
The TI-Nspire™ CX graphing calculator is not only a device to find the answers but can also be leveraged as a teaching tool to discover patterns and establish mathematical relationships. By utilizing the TI-Nspire™ Notes application, CAS brings mathematical learning to life. Learn how to create dynamic documents in algebra through calculus.

Scott Knapp
T³™ Regional Instructor
Math Teacher,
Glenbrook North
High School
Northbrook, Illinois

Robin Gapinski
T³™ Regional Instructor
Math Teacher, Highland Park High School
Highland Park, Illinois
STEM-ulating Projects for Clubs, Camps and Classrooms
Engineering design and STEM projects can be difficult to link to science content when you are pressed for time. This session will explore science content–rich STEM projects that will have all of your students eager for more. These STEM projects can be completed in a science classroom, in a club or a camp with students in grades six through 12. This session will provide examples of how two teachers completed these projects both in and out of classroom instruction time. Come learn, grow and succeed with us!

Jessica Kohout
T³™ National InstructorClimate Change Initiative Manager
Howard County Conservancy,
Ellicott City, Maryland

Stacy Thibodeaux
T³™ National Instructor
Science Teacher, Southside High School — Lafayette Parish
Youngsville, Louisiana
My TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator Can Do What?
Do you know all that your TI-84 Plus CE is capable of? See features of your calculator and emulator software that are usually underused or not used at all. Discussions that deepen students’ understanding about why these features work will also be facilitated.

Tammy Jones
T³™ Regional Instructor
TLJ Consulting Group
Lebanon, Tennessee

Marian Prince
T³™ National Instructor
Andrews University,
Sawyer, Michigan
Authentic Hands-on Assessments With TI Technology
Looking to use technology to create rich performance tasks that apply student mathematical content knowledge? From wood turning pens and bungee-jumping Barbie®, to rocket launches and curve sketch contests, this session gives practical, hands-on examples of ways to use the TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculator for novel assessments.

Lauren Carr
T³™ Regional Instructor
Principal, Villa Joseph Marie High School
Holland, Pennsylvania

Pete Wisniewski
Math Teacher, Villa Joseph Marie High School
Holland, Pennsylvania
Breakout session #2
1:05 – 2:05 p.m. Central time
Just in Time: Scaffolding To Support Unfinished Learning
Unfinished learning is not new. We will discuss how to scoop up the "just-in-time learning" students need. We will explore how the Building Concepts Fractions app on the iPad® can be used as a scaffold to support students’ understanding while continuing with grade-level instruction.
Tami Plein
T³™ National Instructor
Burlington, Iowa

Marsha Burkholder
T³™ National Instructor
Columbus City Schools
Columbus, Ohio
Notice and Wonder With TI Tools for Exploring Families of Functions
Research continues to support the need for student exploration. In this session, we will use the Families of Functions library available on the TI website to see how these materials can encourage students to notice and wonder about what they are seeing and experiencing. We will also show how to use TI-84 Plus CE Python and TI-Nspire™ CX II graphing calculators as a teaching and learning tool for transformation graphing of these families.

Linda Griffith, Ph.D.
T³™ National Instructor
Quitman, Arkansas

Tom Reardon
T³™ National Instructor
Columbus, Ohio
DifferenTIation Through AcTIve ParTIcipation
Have you considered what differentiation looks like in a post-COVID-19 classroom? In this session, participants will experience differentiation through active learning using TI technology. Participants will discuss how differentiation can be implemented overtly and covertly, and discuss the benefits/reasons for each method. This session will ignite a conversation for defining the role of technology when it comes to post-COVID-19 instruction.
Ariel Taylor, Ed.D.
T³™ Regional InstructorAssistant Professor of Practice, The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, Texas

Monique Williams
T³™ National InstructorMathematics Teacher, Fort Bend ISD
Missouri City, Texas
“Up” in Real Life: Data Collection and Coding
Using the Dual Range Force Sensor and Vernier DataQuest™ App for TI-Nspire™ technology, participants will determine the upward force of helium balloons and the amount needed to lift them and a two-bedroom house. Then, participants will learn how to write a Python code to recreate the app’s collection.

Todd Graba
T³™ Regional Instructor
STEM Division Leader, Crystal Lake South High School
Crystal Lake, Illinois

Brad Posnanski
T³™ National InstructorMath Teacher, Comsewogue High School
Port Jefferson, New York
Breakout session #3
2:25 – 3:25 p.m. Central time
What We Do To Help Students Love Math
From songs to TI-Nspire™ discovery activities, and from mastery to formative assessment that engages all students, learn what we do to increase students’ love and enjoyment of mathematics. Many more ideas that build classroom identity and community, help students see connections, and increase motivation for success will be shown.

Sean Bird
T³™ National Instructor
Math and Physics Teacher, Covenant Christian High School
Indianapolis, Indiana

Tony Record
T³™ Regional Instructor
Mathematics Teacher, Avon High School
Avon, Indiana
Mindset for the ACT® Mathematics Test: Boost Student Scores With a Different Approach
Mindset, practice and pacing are three of the most important things students should consider going into the ACT® math test. We will help you learn to meet students where they are and help them adjust their approaches to problems accordingly. Tools, resources and strategies will be provided.

Michael Dorsey
T³™ Regional Instructor
Math Teacher, University City High School
St. Louis, Missouri

Jeff McCalla
T³™ Regional Instructor
Math Teacher and Department Head,
St. Mary’s Episcopal High School
Memphis, Tennessee
Simulating Dice With Python on the TI-Nspire™ CX II Graphing Calculator
Using either the handheld or the computer software, we will walk you through the process of coding a simulation in Python, and visualize the results using the Data Analysis tools built into the TI system.

Chris Atkinson
Sacred Heart
High School,
Nepean, Ontario, Canada
What’s on Your (84) Table?
We will use the table feature of the TI-84 Plus graphing family, stacked fractions and the ANS key on the home screen to generate numeric patterns to engage students in reasoning and problem-solving, provide a fertile opportunity for the mathematical practice standards, and showcase the elegance of mathematics.

John LaMaster
T³™ National Instructor
Professor, Purdue University Fort Wayne
Fort Wayne, Indiana

Stuart Moskowitz
T³™ National Instructor
Arcata, California

The 2022 T³™ Challenge
Test your trivia skills for a chance to winPut your knowledge of pop culture, math and science, and TI education technology to the test for an hour of trivia! The fun starts at 3:45 p.m. Central — the top three trivia wizards will win exciting prizes*! Limited to the first 600 participants.
ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which does not endorse TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit
Barbie is a registered trademark of its owner. iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Vernier DataQuest is a trademark of Vernier Software & Technology.
Views expressed by those not speaking specifically on behalf of TI in presentations at the 2022 Virtual T³™ International Conference (T³IC) are those of the speakers and not necessarily of Texas Instruments. Presentations at the 2022 Virtual T³IC do not represent an endorsement by TI of the speaker’s views, products or services.
* See prize rules.
Friday, July 29, 2022
Breakout session #1
10 – 11 a.m. Central time
Supporting Middle School OpenSciEd With TI Technology
OpenSciEd is a free MS curriculum designed to meet the NGSS. We’ll explore new
TI-Nspire™ simulations that engage students in investigating, analyzing data and solving problems. See how these TI activities align and support students in visualizing and more actively engaging in OpenSciEd lessons.

Tami Plein
T³™ National Instructor,
Iowa OpenSciEd
State Lead,
Burlington, Iowa

Fred Fotsch
Texas Instruments
Dallas, Texas
Let’s Build an Engaging Mathematics Lesson To Address All Learners
Engaging all students is the ultimate goal for learning mathematics. What magic must take place to accomplish this? We start with developing a community of learners and move to the structural components of the lesson that invite the voices of all students, promote discovery and inquiry using technology when appropriate, make connections, and consolidate and reflect on the learning.

Nancy Johnson
T³™ National Instructor
Math Teacher,
Learning Center
Brewster, Massachusetts

Jennifer Stevens
Math Teacher
Nauset Regional
High School
Eastham, Massachusetts
TI-Innovator™ Rover as a Robot-boat for Ocean Monitoring and Cleaning
This project adapts the TI-Innovator™ Rover for movement on water, using solar energy, for ocean monitoring and cleaning. Discover how this problem-solving approach based on STEM, in a realistic application of TI technology and Python programming, can lead to sustainable development and more responsible students.

Alexandre Gomes
T³™ Europe Instructor
Agrupamento de Escolas Oliveira Júnior
São João da Madeira, Portugal
Engaging Students With Math in the Virtual Environment
Whatever the level or topics of math instruction, technology allows students to engage in mathematics at a deeper level. As online learning systems become pervasive across the math classroom, how do teachers maintain best practices in using technology to teach mathematics in the virtual environment? In this session, we will explore continuing to make full use of the power and familiarity of TI technology through various online platforms. We will examine which established practices work well, which need to be enhanced, and what new opportunities arise in this new normal for teaching.

Dennis Wilson
T³™ National Instructor
Math Department Chairman, The Landmark Christian School
Newnan, Georgia

Janice Mitchener
T³™ Regional Instructor
Math Teacher, Indiana Online
Noblesville, Indiana
Breakout session #2
11:20 a.m. – 12:20 p.m. Central time
STEM-ulate Your Students With TI
This session will provide ready-made STEM activities for your face-to-face and virtual classes. Learn how to write and use programs for models, simulations and robot interaction that will motivate students to investigate important concepts and apply them to real-world situations.

Michelle Bonds
T³™ Regional Instructor
Prairie Grove, Arkansas
Promoting Probability Understanding With Python on the TI-Nspire™ CX Family of Graphing Calculators
Taking advantage of the power of Python programming on the TI-Nspire™ CX graphing calculator (or TI-84 Plus CE Python graphing calculator), we will explore probability problems chosen from the American Statistical Association’s March Randomness contest by illustrating how simulation can be used to test student probability intuition.

Steve Phelps
T³™ National Instructor
Technology Instructional Specialist, HCESC
Cincinnati, Ohio
Providing Feedback — Critique Not Criticize
Feedback is a powerful way to encourage students to engage deeply with mathematical content. Teachers need feedback from students in order to assess and promote thinking. Students need feedback from each other and from the teacher in order to gain momentum while problem-solving. The right technology can facilitate the flow and organization of a wealth of feedback. This spurs discussion in powerful ways. Join us to see how we can make this happen in the context of rich problems.

Ray Barton
T³™ National Instructor
Mathematics Teacher, The Waterford School
Salt Lake City, Utah

Vicki Carter
T³™ National Instructor
Mathematics Teacher
Timmonsville, South Carolina
They’re Baaaack! How To Rekindle Our Students
Seeing students who are passive after remote learning? Wondering how we create an equitable learning environment? Join us as we share our most engaging strategies and lessons that encourage active learning from every student.

Linda Antinone
T³™ National Instructor
Fort Worth, Texas

Veronica Meeks
Adjunct Instructor
Tarrant County College,
South Campus
Fort Worth, Texas
Breakout session #3
12:50 – 2:20 p.m. Central time
If You Have Questions, We Have Answers!
By using the TI-Nspire™ CX Premium Teacher Software, you are able to create several different types of questions to use as formative assessments with your students. In this session, you will also learn how to make questions multi-select, self-check, and how to insert a picture into a question.

Veronica Carlson
T³™ National Instructor
and Consultant
Glendale, Arizona

Kim Thomas
T³™ National InstructorMath Teacher, Moon Valley High School
Phoenix, Arizona
Experience Statistical Concepts Using the TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator
When a student hears the word “statistics,” they think mean, median and mode. As math teachers, we know that isn’t even the top of the iceberg. We will explore statistical concepts beyond MMM using the visualization capabilities of the TI-84 Plus CE.

Tracy Watson
T³™ National InstructorArkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts
Malvern, Arkansas

Corey Boby
T³™ National Instructor
Mathematics Teacher, Virtual Arkansas
Malvern, Arkansas
Utilizing TI-Nspire™ CX Navigator™ System Strategies to Effectively Assess and Reduce Paper Grading Time
This session will focus on advancing the amount of formative assessment feedback to students while looking to eliminate as much as 75% of paper grading. Strategies to use the TI-Nspire™ CX Navigator™ System more effectively with the portfolio in the teacher software will be explored. Bonus: Advance ACT® scores!

Jeremy Zelkowski, Ph.D.
T³™ National Instructor
University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Zombie Autopsies and Emergency Preparedness
This is a blended curriculum from TI, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). Using a zombie model, the session investigates the spread of a disease through a population and how to respond to emergencies with a plan and a prep kit.

Deneen Hernandez
FBI Laboratory,
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Quantico, Virginia
"How to Connect to Students and Inspire Them" with Robert Ahdoot
2:45 – 3:45 p.m. Central time
What do teachers and parents see when they envision a sensational learning environment? Enthusiasm? Laughter? Everyone being their core selves? What is the fundamental recipe for creating a positive student culture?
The answer: We must fundamentally understand our students' mental and emotional wiring. Ask them and they'll tell you; they crave a meaningful connection with their teachers. Our understanding of how they relate to learning, and to us, is the difference between igniting deep learning or extinguishing it cold. Once we tune in to the frequency by which they learn, and live, we cultivate the very bond necessary for inspired education. Then they thrive.
ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which does not endorse TI products. Policies subject to change. Visit
Views expressed by those not speaking specifically on behalf of TI in presentations at the 2022 Virtual T³™ International Conference (T³IC) are those of the speakers and not necessarily of Texas Instruments. Presentations at the 2022 Virtual T³IC do not represent an endorsement by TI of the speaker’s views, products or services.
2022 Virtual T3IC FAQs
General Questions
Registration Questions
During the Conference
Additional Questions
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