Education Technology
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Phosphate Analysis

One method of measuring the phosphate concentration is by using a Colorimeter. This instrument measures the amount of light transmitted through a sample at a given wavelength. The amount of light absorbed is mathematically related to the concentration of the solution.

Exponential Growth Experiment

Students will work in pairs and will conduct a growth experiment. They will record their answers for 7 to 10 trials. They will make a scatterplot of their data and share their graphs with the class.

Exploring Exponential Decay

Students will work in pairs and conduct an experiment with M&M's where they start with a cupful and continue to decrease the n umber of M&M's in their cup.

Linear Equations and Their Graphs: Rate of Change

The mathematics goal of this activity is to deepen students' understanding of slope by solving two meaningful and relevant problems involving rate of change. In this activity, students utilize their understanding of patterns and algebraic rules to learn about slopes and y-intercepts. Further, t...

Properties of Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal

In this activity, students create parallel lines and a transversal, and study the properties of the lines and their angles.