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Solution 32551:  Adding Classes and Students Using the TI-Navigator™ Software.

How do I add classes using the TI-Navigator Software?

To add both classes and students using the TI-Navigator Software please follow the steps below:

• Launch the TI-Navigator software then click [File] [Add Class]

• Enter your class name in the [Class Name] field and select your [Class Type] from the Class Type drop down box.

• Next click the [Add Class] button to commit the class. 

• If you have created a .csv or .txt file using the steps in Knowledgebase Article #21209. Highlight your [Class Name] and click [Import Students] 

• Locate your class roster .csv or .txt file then highlight the file and click [Open] 

• If the .csv or .txt was created correctly you should get the message below that all of your students were added successfully.  

• Next click [Finish] to complete the process. 

• If you do not want to create a .csv or .txt file you can add your students manually by clicking [Add Student]. 

• Enter your student information listed in the fields below. Only the fields [First Name] [Last Name] and [User Name] are required the other fields are optional. Once you have entered in the student information click [Add Next Student] to add another student or [Finish] to complete the process.  

If you need additional assistance with other components of the TI-Navigator System please visit Knowledgebase Article #31211.

If you require additional assistance please contact TI-Cares.