Fraction Multiplication
Fraction Multiplication
This activity uses interactive unit squares to explore the concept of fraction multiplication. The concept of fraction multiplication is developed by considering the area of a unit square that has been partitioned into rectangles.
This TI-Nspire™ lesson uses interactive unit squares to explore the concept of fraction multiplication. The concept of fraction multiplication is developed by considering the area of a unit square that has been partitioned into rectangles with dimensions by
. Building on earlier work of finding the area of a rectangle by multiplying side lengths, students investigate the fraction of an area shaded in a unit square. This leads to the generalization that the product of two fractions is the product of the numerators and the product of the denominators.
Students should have prior experience with Fractions and Unit Squares before working with this activity.
This is Lesson 10 out of 15 in the Building Concepts in Mathematics: Fractions Series.
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