Education Technology

What Makes a Food Nutritional?

Subject Area
Math: Middle Grades Math: Number Sense
Activity Time
45 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-34 MultiView™ / TI-30 XS MultiView™
Resource Types

What Makes a Food Nutritional?

Activity Overview

Students will analyze select nutritional values of specific food products and then compare those values to the recommended daily allowances published by the U.S.D.A. They will calculate percentages and fractions based upon the information they find.

Before the Activity

Download the attached document and look over the information on the first page. Distribute the Student Worksheet for use during the activity.

During the Activity

Discuss the material from the activity pages and worksheet with students as needed.

After the Activity

Encourage students to summarize what they have learned from completing the activity.

Download Files
Subject Area
Math: Middle Grades Math: Number Sense
Activity Time
45 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-34 MultiView™ / TI-30 XS MultiView™
Resource Types
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