Skip Counting by 5
Skip Counting by 5
Students will compare counting sequences on their calculator with the patterns they generate on their own hundreds chart.
Read Reese's Pieces Count by Fives by Jerry Pallotta. As an introduction to skip counting.
Students will practice counting to 20 by fives as a whole class.
Students will then compare counting sequences on their calculator with the patterns they generate on their own hundreds chart.
Students will enter 5 on their TI-10, then color in 5 on their hundreds chart with a crayon.
They will then push the addition key on their calculator and add 5. Then push = to get the answer of 10.
Students will fill in the ten on their chart. Students will continue to add five to their total and students can make predictions about what number will come next and note if they notice a pattern forming.
After the chart is complete students will count by fives to 100.
For reinforcement: Students' may independently go to to practice skip couting by fives.
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