Perimeters, Areas, and Slopes - Oh, My!
Exploring Mathematics with the Inequality Graphing Application
Perimeters, Areas, and Slopes - Oh, My!
Students create geometric figures, and use analytic and coordinate geometry to investigate their attributes. They go through the process of proving that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
Install the Inequality Graphing Application on the calculator using one of these two methods:
- TI Connect™, a TI Connectivity Cable, and the Unit-to-Unit Link Cable
- TI-Navigator™ "send to class" feature
See the attached PDF file for detailed instructions for this activity
Print pages 37-41 from the attached PDF file for your class
Distribute the pages to your class.
Follow the Activity procedures:
Students will complete the Student Worksheet and answer questions listed in it.
Review student results:

Before the Activity Files
Exploring Mathematics with the Inequality Graphing Application
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