Hooke's Law: The Rest of the Story
TI Connect™ CE
- This is Activity 8 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
- Small spring cut in half
- Empty plastic cups
- Two large paper clips or string
- Meter stick
- Yard stick
- 30 Candies
- Data from Activity 7: Hooke's Law
EasyData Activities: Modeling Algebraic Functions with Data Collection Activities.
The following materials are required for this activity:
Hooke's Law: The Rest of the Story
Students study Hooke's Law. They explore the linear behavior of a spring as it is pulled downward and understand that stretch on a spring is directly proportional to the force applied to the end of the string. Students create scatter plots, calculate slopes, and discuss positive and negative slopes.
TI Connect™ CE
- This is Activity 8 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
- Small spring cut in half
- Empty plastic cups
- Two large paper clips or string
- Meter stick
- Yard stick
- 30 Candies
- Data from Activity 7: Hooke's Law
EasyData Activities: Modeling Algebraic Functions with Data Collection Activities.
The following materials are required for this activity:
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