Education Technology
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Properties of Parallelograms

In this activity, you will construct the geometric object by following the instructions below, and then answer the questions about the object.

Properties of Parallelograms

In this activity, students go through the process of proving a quadrilateral to be a parallelogram. They understand the various characteristics of a parallelogram.

Centripetal Acceleration

To observe the centripetal acceleration of an object in uniform circular motion. Relate the changes in velocity and radius to the centripetal acceleration.

Perimeter and Area of a Square

Students study the perimeter and area of a square, and explore the relationship between them and the length of the side of the square.

Sin, Cos, and Tan of Right Triangles

In this activity, students explore a right angled triangle and its trigonometric concepts. They investigate the trigonometric ratios for the angles of the triangle.