Education Technology

Research on Professional Development

Conclusion: T³ professional development services incorporate nine attributes shown to be essential to effective professional development.
The Institute for the Advancement of Research in Education, AEL

An interpretive review of 14 experimental and quasi-experimental studies identified these nine attributes of effective professional development:

  • Address student learning needs
  • Incorporate hands-on technology use
  • Be job-embedded
  • Have application to specific curricula
  • Address knowledge, skills and beliefs
  • Occur over time
  • Occur with colleagues
  • Provide technical assistance and support to teachers
  • Incorporate evaluation
Reference: (AEL 2004)
Conclusion: Students who were taught by IAAA-trained teachers between consecutive annual statewide assessments had a greater gain in test scores than students who were taught by non-trained teachers.

University of Florida
Overall, students (n = 328) who were taught by IAAA-trained teachers between consecutive annual statewide assessments had a greater gain in test scores than students (n = 202) who were taught by non-trained teachers.

Reference: (Laumakis and Herman 2008)
Conclusion: A growing consensus among researchers and practitioners asserts that systemic, job-embedded, ongoing teacher professional development is more effective than the traditional one-time workshop.

Center for Technology in Learning
For professional development to lead to substantial instructional changes and improvements in student learning, it needs to (1) address all aspects of the instructional triangle and their interactions in context, (2) be implemented in highly aligned manner and (3) include time for teachers to collaborate during the change process.

Reference: (Center for Technology in Learning 2009)

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