2021 TI Codes Contest top-rated projects
Check out the team videos that earned the acclaim of contest judges.
This year, teams designed a solution that automated or optimized a process or product related to health, wellness or medicine. They then used coding and TI technology to build a model of the solution.
Grand prize winner: PillSafe System
Panama City, Florida
Meet the finalists
First runner-up:
Second runner-up:
Pomfret School
Pomfret, Connecticut
Brookwood BITES
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Maret Bufo Bufos
Bethesda, Maryland
Honorable mentions
Tohatchi High School STEM Team
Tohatchi, New Mexico
The Potato Group
Newark, Ohio
San Diego, California
yxs bionics
Lafayette, Colorado
Panther Aid World Security
Chandler, Arizona

The eighth-annual contest is underway. Check it out!
Go to 2025
For contest-related inquires, please email CodesContest@ti.com.

Previous TI Codes Contests
Watch the TI Codes Contest top project videos from other years.