Education Technology

Solution 37475: TI-SmartView™ Emulator Software for the TI-30XS/TI-34 MultiView™ Scientific Calculators Will Not Install on Mac OSX 10.11 displaying the error To use "java" command-line tool you need to install JDK.

Why will TI-SmartView Emulator Software for the TI-30XS/TI-34 MultiView not install on Mac OSX 10.11?

TI-SmartView Emulator Software for the TI-30XS/TI-34 MultiView is currently not supported on Mac OSX 10.11. When attempting to install the software on this OS the below error will be displayed:

Clicking [More Info...] will take you to the Java website however even after installing the Java Software the installation will fail.

Currently there is no workarounds to install the software on Mac OSX 10.11. It is suggested to install the software on supported platform.

If you have questions about the information listed above, please contact TI-Cares for additional assistance.