Education Technology

Solution 18669: Adjusting the Contrast on a Texas Instruments' Basic, Elementary, Scientific and Financial Calculator.

How do I adjust the contrast on a Texas Instruments' Basic, Elementary, Scientific or Financial calculator?

Texas Instruments does not have a function that will allow a user to adjust the contrast on a Basic, Elementary, Scientific or Financial calculator.

There are 3 scientific calculators that are exceptions to this, the TI-30XS Multiview™, the TI-34 Multiview, and the TI-36 X Pro.

To change the contrast on these calculators, use the contrast keys. Alternate between [2nd] and [-] to lighten the contrast.  Alternate between [2nd] and [+] to darken the contrast.

Please Note: If the financial or scientific calculator is not displaying information properly, then the battery or batteries in the calculator may need to be replaced.

Batteries for a Scientific Calculator
Batteries for a Business Financial Calculator

Please see the appropriate calculator guidebook for additional information.