Education Technology

Solution 11861: The d() Function Algorithm on the TI-89 Family, TI-92 Family and Voyage™ 200 Graphing Calculators.

What is the d() (symbolic differentiate) function algorithm?

The d() function returns the first derivative of an expression with respect to a variable. The expression can be a list or a matrix. This function uses the chain rule together with the well-known formulas for the derivatives of sums, products, sinusoids, etc. The syntax for this function is:

For an Expression: d(expression, var [,order])
For a List: d(list,var [,order])
For a Matrix: d(matrix,var [,order])

Order, if included, must be an integer. If the order is less than zero, the result will be an antiderivative.

Please see the TI-89 family, TI-92 family and Voyage 200 guidebooks for additional information.