Education Technology

Putting the Fun in Functions

Subject Area
Math: Explorations with Coding: Coding with Python
TI Calculator
TI-84 Plus CE Family
Resource Types
Python Programming

Putting the Fun in Functions

Activity Overview

In this coding activity for the TI-84 Plus CE Python, students will use functions, translations, and rotations to create works of art. 


  • Define and use functions
  • Use function notation to modularize code
  • Use loops to repeat lines of code
  • Use functions in a problem-solving situation
  • Represent transformations in the plane
  • Given a regular polygon, describe the rotations and reflections that carry it onto itself

About the Lesson

In this project, students will create rotational pieces of artwork.  First, they will use functions, loops and exterior angles, to create regular polygons.  Next, students will use translations to move your polygon to various locations on the coordinate plane.  Lastly, they will use rotations, to create rotational pieces of artwork.

Note: This lesson requires the use of TI-84 Plus CE Python technology. Students will also need to have installed the Python Turtle module

Subject Area
Math: Explorations with Coding: Coding with Python
TI Calculator
TI-84 Plus CE Family
Resource Types
Python Programming
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