Education Technology

Walk My Walk

Subject Area
Math: Algebra I: Linear Functions
Activity Time
120 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-83 Plus Family
TI-84 Plus
TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
TI-83 Plus Family
CBR 2™ motion sensor
Other Materials
Meter tape measure, chalk, masking tape or glass paint to mark the floor in 1 meter increments.
Resource Types

Walk My Walk

Activity Overview

A two-part activity that uses a CBR to develop the notion of slope and y-intercept through various walking activities. Part A develops a general notion of how changes in walking are reflected in various graphical representations. Part B formalizes the ideas of (1) slope and its relationship to speed and (2) y-intercept and its relationship to starting point.

Before the Activity

See the attached PDF file for detailed instructions for this activity. Install the program MOVE.8xp on teacher and student calculators. Mark off five meters in one meter increments for teacher demo. Print student worksheets.

During the Activity

A two-part activity that uses a CBR to develop the notion of slope and y-intercept through various walking activities. Part A develops a general notion of how changes in walking are reflected in various graphical representations. Part B formalizes the ideas of (1) slope and its relationship to speed and (2) y-intercept and its relationship to starting point. See above PDF file for detailed teacher/student notes.

After the Activity

Review student answers:

  • As a class, discuss questions that appeared to be more challenging
  • Re-teach concepts as necessary
  • Subject Area
    Math: Algebra I: Linear Functions
    Activity Time
    120 Minutes
    TI Calculator
    TI-83 Plus Family
    TI-84 Plus
    TI-84 Plus Silver Edition
    TI-83 Plus Family
    CBR 2™ motion sensor
    Other Materials
    Meter tape measure, chalk, masking tape or glass paint to mark the floor in 1 meter increments.
    Resource Types
    iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
    Vernier EasyData,Vernier EasyLink and Vernier EasyTemp are registered trademarks of Vernier Science Education.