Education Technology

Making Sense of Shapes and Sizes

Subject Area
Math: Algebra I: Sequences and Series
Activity Time
60 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-30 X IIS™ / TI-30Xa
Other Materials
    This is Activity 12 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
    Math Investigations with the TI-30X IIS: Activities for Secondary Mathematics

    The following materials are required for this activity:
  • Centimeter cubes or square tiles
  • Grid paper
Resource Types

Making Sense of Shapes and Sizes

Activity Overview

Students develop algorithms for generating and generalizing patterns related to triangle and square geometric models.

Before the Activity

  • See the attached PDF file for detailed instructions for this activity
  • Print pages 119 - 122 from the attached PDF file for your class
  • During the Activity

    Distribute the pages to the class.

    Follow the activity procedures:

  • Use square tiles or centimeter cubes to build geometric shapes found on the Student Activity pages
  • Record the area and perimeter for each shape
  • Notice that the cubes take on a triangular staircase shape, and that the values in the Area column represent the triangular sums of that pattern
  • Use these results to write an algorithm to generate the number patterns in the Area column and the Perimeter column
  • Alternatively, use an algebraic model to generalize the pattern in these tables
  • After the Activity

    Students complete the Student Activity pages and answer questions.

  • Review student results
  • As a class, discuss questions that appeared to be more challenging
  • Re-teach concepts as necessary
  • icon-download-lm
    Download Files
    Subject Area
    Math: Algebra I: Sequences and Series
    Activity Time
    60 Minutes
    TI Calculator
    TI-30 X IIS™ / TI-30Xa
    Other Materials
      This is Activity 12 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
      Math Investigations with the TI-30X IIS: Activities for Secondary Mathematics

      The following materials are required for this activity:
    • Centimeter cubes or square tiles
    • Grid paper
    Resource Types
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