Education Technology

Forensics Case 3 - Name That Tune: Matching musical tones through waveform analysis

Subject Area
Math: Algebra II: Trigonometric Functions
Math: Precalculus: Trigonometry (Triangle and Circular Functions)
Science: Forensics: Data Analysis
Activity Time
60 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Sensor - Microphone
Other Materials
  • Vernier microphone
  • 6 tuning forks of different frequencies
  • Soft tuning-fork hammer
Resource Types
Data Collection

Forensics Case 3 - Name That Tune: Matching musical tones through waveform analysis

Activity Overview

In this activity, students analyze sound waves to calculate the frequency or pitch of musical notes. They use a Microphone to detect the waveform of a musical note. Students calculate the frequency of a musical note from the period of its waveform and use this knowledge to identify the musical notes that make up the combination to a safe.

Subject Area
Math: Algebra II: Trigonometric Functions
Math: Precalculus: Trigonometry (Triangle and Circular Functions)
Science: Forensics: Data Analysis
Activity Time
60 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Sensor - Microphone
Other Materials
  • Vernier microphone
  • 6 tuning forks of different frequencies
  • Soft tuning-fork hammer
Resource Types
Data Collection
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