Education Technology

Ohm's Law

Subject Area
Science: Physics: Electrostatics
Activity Time
60 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-Nspire™ CAS
Other Materials
    1. variable DC power supply (0 - ~12 V),
    2. two digital multimeters,
    3. several resistors ranging from ~100 to ~1000 ohms,
    4. a light bulb in a socket base with the terminals exposed,
    5. connecting wires
Resource Types

Ohm's Law

Activity Overview

In this activity, students will explore the relationship between current and potential difference for several resistors which obey Ohm's Law. They will experimentally measure the resistance of the resistors. Students will then examine the relationship between current and potential difference using a light bulb to observe a non-ohmic material.

Before the Activity

Students must be instructed on how to properly use multimeters to measure current and voltage prior to beginning this activity. They will also need some intruction concerning how to connect the circuit.

During the Activity

Students will create their own .tns file in this activity. Step-by-step instructions are included in the document. Questions are included throughout the document to help guide students as they make observations.

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Subject Area
Science: Physics: Electrostatics
Activity Time
60 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-Nspire™ CAS
Other Materials
    1. variable DC power supply (0 - ~12 V),
    2. two digital multimeters,
    3. several resistors ranging from ~100 to ~1000 ohms,
    4. a light bulb in a socket base with the terminals exposed,
    5. connecting wires
Resource Types
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