Education Technology

Testing Hypotheses (Means, Proportions, and Standard Deviations)

Subject Area
Math: Statistics: Inferential Statistics
Activity Time
60 Minutes
TI Connect™
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Other Materials
This is Activity 8 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
Statistics Handbook for the TI-83

Resource Types

Testing Hypotheses (Means, Proportions, and Standard Deviations)

Activity Overview

In this activity, students evaluate hypotheses.

Before the Activity
  • See the attached PDF file for detailed instructions for this activity
  • Print pages 89 - 100 from the attached PDF file for your class
  • During the Activity

    Distribute the pages to the class.

    Follow the Activity procedures:

    Testing Hypothesis of a Population Mean:

  • Store the data as a list
  • Calculate the z value if the standard deviation is known, else find the t value
  • Check whether the t or z values are positive or negative
  • Determine the p-value and evaluate the hypothesis

  • Testing Hypothesis of a Population Proportion:
  • Decide if you can use a normal distribution to approximate the binomial
  • Enter the values
  • Calculate the z-score
  • Determine the p-value and evaluate the hypothesis

  • Testing Hypothesis of a Normal Population Standard Deviation:
  • Enter the data
  • Realize that if the data is normally distributed, the sampling distribution is chi-square distributed
  • Determine the left-tail probability of the chi-square distribution [the p-value]
  • Evaluate the hypothesis on the basis of the p-value

  • Testing Hypothesis of Two Population Means:
  • Store the data as lists
  • Enter the values for means, standard deviations, and sample sizes
  • Perform a two-sample T test, if the standard deviations are known
  • Perform a two-sample Z test, if the standard deviations are unknown
  • Determine the p-value and evaluate the hypothesis

  • Testing Hypothesis of Two Population Proportions:
  • Enter the values to calculate the proportion
  • Determine the p value to evaluate the hypothesis
  • Calculate the pooled proportion and the standard score

  • Testing Hypothesis of Standard Deviations of Two Normal Populations:
  • Sort the data and store it in lists
  • Determine the p and F values and evaluate the hypothesis
  • After the Activity

    Review student results:

  • As a class, discuss questions that appeared to be more challenging
  • Re-teach concepts as necessary
  • Subject Area
    Math: Statistics: Inferential Statistics
    Activity Time
    60 Minutes
    TI Connect™
    TI Calculator
    TI-84 series
    Other Materials
    This is Activity 8 from the EXPLORATIONS Book:
    Statistics Handbook for the TI-83

    Resource Types
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