Education Technology

Quick Stats with Quick Poll

Subject Area
Math: Algebra I: Data Analysis
Math: Elementary Math: Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis
Math: Middle Grades Math: Statistics and Probability
Math: PreAlgebra: Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis
Activity Time
30-50 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Resource Types

Quick Stats with Quick Poll

Activity Overview

It's so simple. Since Quick Poll gives a bar graph when a poll is taken, the teacher can use these graphs to do all kinds of neat statistical manipulations with the students.

Before the Activity

The teacher compiles questions and/or data to be used in the activity.

During the Activity

It's so simple. Since Quick Poll gives a bar graph when a poll is taken, the teacher can use these graphs to do all kinds of neat statistical manipulations with the students. (See Attachment)

After the Activity

For closure the teacher may ask the students to write in their journals what they learned from the activity.

Download Files
Subject Area
Math: Algebra I: Data Analysis
Math: Elementary Math: Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis
Math: Middle Grades Math: Statistics and Probability
Math: PreAlgebra: Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis
Activity Time
30-50 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Resource Types
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