Education Technology

Making Picture Graphs

Subject Area
Math: Elementary Math: Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis
Math: Elementary Math: Math and Literature
Activity Time
90 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-15 Explorer™/TI-10
Other Materials
This activity originally appeared in the EXPLORATIONS Book:
Uncovering Math with Manipulatives and the TI-10

Resource Types

Making Picture Graphs

Activity Overview

Students learn to make picture graphs with symbols that represent more than one piece of data.


Students will explore the following concepts in this activity:

  • whole numbers
  • multiplication
  • patterns
  • graphing
  • addition
About the Lesson

To introduce the activity, read These Are My Pets and When I Get Bigger
to the students to stimulate some ideas around characteristics. Have students work in groups of four to choose one characteristic about which to collect data. Then have them design a question for collecting the data. Distribute the student activity sheet to the class. Students will record and tally the responses on their activity sheets.

Each student in the small groups (of 4) should collect at least 20 pieces of data so that each group has a total of 80 pieces of data. Have students represent the data with colored chips or linking cubes. Students will use the calculator to group data and make picture graphs with symbols that represent more than one piece of data
Subject Area
Math: Elementary Math: Probability, Statistics and Data Analysis
Math: Elementary Math: Math and Literature
Activity Time
90 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-15 Explorer™/TI-10
Other Materials
This activity originally appeared in the EXPLORATIONS Book:
Uncovering Math with Manipulatives and the TI-10

Resource Types
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