Education Technology

How Much Is That Phone Call?

Subject Area
Math: Algebra I: Piecewise Functions
Activity Time
1 Hours
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Resource Types

How Much Is That Phone Call?

Activity Overview

Students will learn how step functions apply to real-world situations, about the notation associated with the greatest integer and least integer functions, and how to transform the greatest integer function.

Before the Activity

Each student should have access to TI-83 or TI-84.

During the Activity

Use the PowerPoint to guide students through the reasons for learning about step functions and the notation associated with the greatest integer and least integer functions. The phone & postage rate examples in the PowerPoint are slightly different from those in the student handout to provide additional examples for the students. The second part of this activity, transforming the greatest integer function, is written with the assumption that students have already transformed absolute value & quadratic functions.

After the Activity

Review activity and repeat steps as needed.

Subject Area
Math: Algebra I: Piecewise Functions
Activity Time
1 Hours
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Resource Types
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