How Many Drivers? Investigating the Slope-Intercept Form of a Line
A Hands-On Look at Algebra Functions: Activities for Transformation Graphing .
How Many Drivers? Investigating the Slope-Intercept Form of a Line
In this activity, students will be introduced to the slope-intercept form of a linear equation. They will recognize the effects of changes in the slope and y-intercept on the graph of a line. Students will use the Transformation Graphing application to find an approximate linear model of the actual data. They will use the guess-and-check strategy, manipulate the values of the slope and y-intercept to determine the line of best fit.
Distribute the printed pages to the class.
Follow the Activity procedures:
Students' answer questions on the homework page.
Review student results:
Before the Activity Files
A Hands-On Look at Algebra Functions: Activities for Transformation Graphing .
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