Get on the Stick (Biology Applications)
Science: Biology: Ecology
60 Minutes
TI Connect™
TI Connect™ CE
TI Connect™ CE
TI-84 series
CBR™ 2 motion sensor
This is Activity 12 from the EXPLORATIONS Book: Biology with the TI-83 Plus.
Data Collection
Get on the Stick (Biology Applications)
Activity Overview
Students use a motion detector to the measure the reaction time of other students. They graph the data from trials conducted in the class and analyze trends. They then calculate drop distance from reaction time.

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Science: Biology: Ecology
60 Minutes
TI Connect™
TI Connect™ CE
TI Connect™ CE
TI-84 series
CBR™ 2 motion sensor
This is Activity 12 from the EXPLORATIONS Book: Biology with the TI-83 Plus.
Data Collection
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Vernier EasyData,Vernier EasyLink and Vernier EasyTemp are registered trademarks of Vernier Science Education.