Gambler's Fallacy: Lucky Streaks and Slumps
Exploring Mathematics with the Probability Simulation Application.
Gambler's Fallacy: Lucky Streaks and Slumps
In this activity, students determine the probability of independent and compound events. They design simulations and collect data to explore streaking behavior.
Install the Probability Simulation Application on the calculator using one of these two methods:
- TI Connect™, a TI Connectivity Cable, and the Unit-to-Unit Link Cable
- TI-Navigator™ "send to class" feature
- See the attached PDF file for detailed instructions for this activity
- Print pages 97 - 108 from the attached PDF file for your class
Distribute the pages to your class.
Follow the Activity procedures:
Students will complete Student Data Collection and Analysis Sheet.
Review student results:
Before the Activity Files
Exploring Mathematics with the Probability Simulation Application.
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