Education Technology

Binomial Expansion

Subject Area
Math: Precalculus: Sequences
Math: Precalculus: Series
Math: IB: Analysis-Approaches
Math: IB: Applications-Interpretations
Activity Time
50 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Resource Types
Exam Prep

Binomial Expansion

Activity Overview

In this activity, students will review their binomial expansion skills through hands on multiplication combined with the handheld to check their work.


  • Students will use their knowledge of patterns to aid in the expansion of binomials, by way of Pascal’s triangle.
  • Students will use the Binomial Theorem to discover specific terms of a binomial expansion.
  • Students will try to make a connection with how to understand these topics in IB Mathematics courses and on their final assessments.


  • Expansion
  • Combinations
  • Pascal’s Triangle
  • Coefficient

About the Lesson

Students will review their binomial expansion skills through hands on multiplication combined with the handheld to check their work. Close attention will be played to individual terms of certain expansions throughout the activity. The Binomial Theorem and Pascal’s Triangle will also be used as tools to aid in this process.

*Note: This activity includes optional IB support, including the IB Questions download for students who are preparing for the IB Exam. 

Subject Area
Math: Precalculus: Sequences
Math: Precalculus: Series
Math: IB: Analysis-Approaches
Math: IB: Applications-Interpretations
Activity Time
50 Minutes
TI Calculator
TI-84 series
Resource Types
Exam Prep
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