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Teaching and Learning With the TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator in High School Mathematics

Designed for educators who want to learn more about the features of the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator, this workshop offers hands-on explorations demonstrating the effective classroom use of technology within a high school mathematics curriculum.

You'll become familiar with the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator by working through classroom-ready activities that use the calculator to enhance student understanding and problem-solving.


This in-person workshop is available in one-, two- and three-day options to accommodate educator-specific needs. A half-day workshop option is also available. The two- and three-day workshops offer a more extensive exploration of topics. A virtual workshop is also available in multiple two- or three-hour sessions.

  • Overview of the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator, including the MathPrint™ feature and general graphing and statistical functionality.
  • Modeling and analysis of univariate data with box plots, histograms and measures of central tendency.
  • Exploration of graphing linear functions and solving linear systems graphically.
  • Additional coverage of modeling with multiple representations.
  • Exploration of interactive lessons that make connections between rate of change, linear functions and systems of linear equations.
  • Data collection and analysis with the CBR™ 2 motion sensor, Vernier EasyTemp® sensor and Vernier EasyData® app.
  • Deeper immersion into additional technology features, with an emphasis on classroom applications and online resources.
  • Wider curriculum coverage across key areas in algebra I, geometry, algebra II, precalculus and statistics.
  • Opportunities for differentiation based on educators’ classroom needs.

Areas of focus

This workshop focuses on appropriate use of the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator and supporting computer software, with an emphasis on numeric, algebraic, geometric and statistical functionality across a high school mathematics curriculum.

Subject Topics
Algebra I
Equivalence; Linear, Quadratic and Exponential Functions; Systems of Linear Equations
Points, Lines and Planes; Perimeter and Area
Algebra II
Functions, Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities; Matrices
Rational Functions
Displaying and Describing Univariate Data

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  • Half day:      $2,000
  • One day:      $3,200
  • Two days:    $6,400
  • Three days:  $9,600

Six virtual hours, delivered in two- or three-hour sessions, is the equivalent to one full-day of in-person professional learning. For workshop pricing including TI technology, please contact us.

"I learned more in the first 5 minutes of the workshop than I did in the entire day in the last PD I was in. (Our instructor) is a former classroom teacher so she got right to the point of the lesson. She knew where kids make common mistakes and could talk about when she was in the classroom."— Crystal White, Secondary Math Teacher
and Math Department Chair
Robbinsville High School (North Carolina)

Vernier EasyData, Vernier EasyLink and Vernier EasyTemp are registered trademarks of Vernier Science Education.