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Leveraging TI-Nspire™ CX Technology for ACT®
Test Success

This workshop is designed for mathematics educators who want to learn to leverage TI-Nspire™ CX technology skills to drive student success on the ACT® test by exploring released test items.

Educators will cover the main elements of the ACT® test, discuss strategies for helping students to better understand key topics, and emphasize techniques for teaching with TI-Nspire™ CX technology.

By the end of the workshop, participants should feel comfortable with:

  • Leveraging the TI-Nspire™ CX graphing calculator for exam questions in key categories such as Number & Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Geometry, and Statistics & Probability
  • Highlighting the key content areas on the ACT® test and adjusting mathematics instruction accordingly
  • Implementing test preparation strategies in the mathematics classroom and using pre-made activities that reinforce technology skills and deepen student understanding of key topics


This in-person workshop is available in one-, two- and three day options to accommodate educator-specific needs. A half-day workshop option is also available. The two-and three-day workshops offers more extensive exploration of topics and strategies using actual released items. A virtual workshop is also available in multiple two- or three-hour sessions.

  • Overview of the TI-Nspire™ CX graphing calculator and basic skills
  • Exploration of key topics such as Area and Perimeter, Solving Systems, Solving Equations, and Inequalities
  • Coverage of strategies such as solving problems by working backwards, using the supplied diagrams effectively, and substitution
  • Additional coverage of TI-Nspire™ CX graphing calculator skills including statistics and geometry functionality
  • Coverage of further topics such as quadratics and absolute value, Pythagorean Theorem and slope
  • Exploration of other test prep strategies including avoiding distractors, and using graphs and visualization
  • Continued application of TI-Nspire™ CX graphing calculator skills
  • Content topics will extend to advanced areas such as matrices, trigonometry and logarithms
  • Test strategies will be summarized and applied through actual test items

Areas of Focus

This workshop focuses on using the TI-Nspire™ CX graphing calculator to improve student learning and conceptual understanding of key content areas for the ACT® test.

Subject Topics
TI-Nspire™ CX Technology Skills
Solving systems graphically, substituting values, graphing inequalities, finding mean and median, geometry tools, regression, complex numbers, truth statements, matrices, statistics
ACT® Test Strategies
Using diagrams strategically by graphing and analyzing solutions, comparing values by storing as variables, using a regression to make a prediction, evaluating expressions and solving equations with calculator tools, working backwards
Activities to Deepen Student Understanding
Systems of equations, slope, area, quadratics, coordinate geometry, Euclidean geometry, statistics and probability, logarithms

Request information

Need a quote or a sample plan? Get started by contacting a TI Educational Technology Consultant to help you with your professional development needs.

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  • Half day:      $2,000
  • One day:      $3,200
  • Two days:    $6,400
  • Three days:  $9,600

Six virtual hours, delivered in two- or three-hour sessions, is the equivalent to one full-day of in-person professional learning. For workshop pricing including TI technology, please contact us.

"It was a very hands-on experience, so it kept participants interacting throughout the sessions both with the technology and with each other. There was a good balance of learning to use the technology, becoming familiar with the ACT®, and general strategies to use with our students."— Kristen Nay, Math Instructional Specialist
Moeller High School (Ohio)

ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc., which does not endorse TI products or this workshop.