Corey Boby
Math Teacher
Virtual Arkansas
T³™ National Instructor
Malvern, Arkansas
When: Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2022 | 7 p.m. Central time
Technology: TI-84 Plus family
Presenters: Corey Boby, Tracy Watson
You’ve kicked back for a much needed summer break, but now it’s time to dust off your calculator because your new students will be coming soon, and they might not be as excited about returning to math class as you are.
Join the presenters as they share ideas for activities you can use with students to get them to love mathematics as much as we all do.
This session will explore:
Math Teacher
Virtual Arkansas
T³™ National Instructor
Malvern, Arkansas
Mathematics Specialist
Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts
T³™ National Instructor
Malvern, Arkansas
"Awesome helpful tips and great examples to start the year." — Robin Midiri, Oak Park USD (California)