T³™ Professional Development | For Teachers and Teams | Online Learning | On Demand T³™ Webinars

Implementing “Principles to Actions”
Technology: TI-84 Plus family, TI-Nspire™ Technology
Topic: Teaching Strategies
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Pam Harris
Let’s put our principles into action by using some of the effective teaching practices with some of our favorite rich tasks. During this webinar, presenters will examine key elements of NCTM’s “Principles to Actions.”
During this webinar, presenters will examine key elements of NCTM’s “Principles to Actions.”
Join us to:
- Experience ways to make the “Principles to Actions” come alive in your classroom
- Explore activities that bring together some of the effective teaching strategies from “Principles to Actions”
- Consider how dynamic interactive technology can enhance those strategies
The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI-Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.
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