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Classroom Strategies for Calculus End-of-Course Exam Success, Part 1
Technology: TI-84 Plus family, TI-Nspire™ Technology
Topic: Exam Preparation
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Fan Disher
Are your students familiar with the calculator functionality needed for AP® exam questions?
During this webinar, the presenters will focus on sound mathematical reasoning and the appropriate use of technology for some released AP® Calculus questions.
The presenters will examine technology skills students will be expected to use, including:
- Limits – Using tables and graphs
- Derivatives – Derivative at a Point
- Derivatives – Examining the graph of the first or second derivative
- Derivatives – Motion along a line and (BC) Parametric Equations
The presenters will utilize both TI-84 Plus CE and TI‑Nspire™ graphing calculators during the webinar.
Download documents*AP is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board. ACT is a registered trademark of ACT, Inc. Neither are affiliated with, nor endorse, TI products.