T³™ Professional Development | For Teachers and Teams | Online Learning | On Demand T³™ Webinars

Calculus End of Year Exam Prep
Technology: TI-84 Plus Family, TI-Nspire™ Technology
Topic: Teaching Resources
Speakers: Vicki Carter, Tom Dick, Steve Kokoska
This webinar will provide some helpful suggestions in preparing your AP® Calculus students to perform at their best on the upcoming exam. AP® Calculus Question Leaders and a former Chief Reader will share:
In this session we will use the TI-Nspire™ handheld to create user-defined functions and procedures, including recursive functions. Explore how to call functions within a program and trace, compare and use recursive algorithms in order to model and solve computer science problems.
- Technology Do's and Dont’s
- Tips on communicating well on the free response questions
- Time management strategies
This webinar appropriate for AP® Calculus teachers as well as students.
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