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STEM of the Living Dead: Scary Activities to Spook Your Students
Technology: TI-84 Plus family, TI-Nspire™ Technology
Speakers: Jeff Lukens, Betty Gasque
The TI-Nspire™ activity that launched STEM Behind Hollywood and spread through classrooms like a virus has jumped species and is now available for the TI-84 Plus CE graphing calculator.
Both activities provide students with an inside look at the math and science real-life epidemiologists use to track and curb the spread of diseases through a population. This session will focus on:
- Exploring geometric progressions, interpreting data and making predictions
- Understanding the function of various parts of the human brain
- Investigating and discussing factors dealing with immunity and vaccines
Presenters will demonstrate the lesson using both TI-Nspire™ and TI-84 Plus CE Technology.
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