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mISSion imaginaTIon – Math and Science Content from Space
Technology: TI-Nspire™ Technology
Topic: Teaching Resources
Speakers: Erick Archer, Curtis Brown
A partnership between NASA and TI, mISSion imaginaTIon provides teachers and students with challenges related to solving real issues being explored on the International Space Station (ISS) in preparation for long-term manned missions to Mars. Free, interactive TI-Nspire™-based lessons reinforce math and science skills by enabling students to apply their knowledge to solve problems with virtual interactive activities.
- “Fuel for the Fire” allows students to explore rate of change in the context of fueling SLS, NASA’s Space Launch System.
- “Keep Calm and Enjoy the Ride” gives students insight into the world of cardiovascular health on the ISS.
Join us for an exploration of the mISSion imaginaTIon project and these TI-Nspire™ activities.
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