T³™ Professional Development | For Teachers and Teams | Online Learning | On Demand T³™ Webinars

Resources for Math Coaches and Supervisors, Part Two: Strengthening Content Knowledge with TI Technology
Technology: Non Technology Focused
Topic: Content Knowledge
Speakers: Betty Gasque, Judy Hicks
If your school or district has recently implemented the CCSS or TEKS content standards for mathematics, then educators are likely faced with the challenge of how to integrate new, tough-to-teach, tough-to-learn concepts into their classrooms.
In Part Two of this two-part webinar, we will explore free, standards-aligned resources for the TI-84 Plus family of graphing calculators and TI-Nspire™ technology that can help educators strengthen their knowledge of new CCSS and TEKS content standards. Learn about lessons and tools to help middle grades teachers guide students to a deeper understanding of key math concepts, especially in terms of algebra readiness and algebra. Explore TI-84 Plus family and TI-Nspire™ content designed to support the implementation of new algebra, geometry and statistics standards across traditional and integrated high school mathematics curricula.
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