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CCSS Progressions: Building Concepts in Middle Grades Statistics and Probability with TI-Nspire
Technology: TI‑Nspire™ Technology
Topic: Building Concepts, CCSS
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Tom Dick
Based on the Progressions for the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, “Building Concepts in Mathematics” is a collection of interactive TI-Nspire™ lessons designed to engage students and introduce new ways to think about and discuss important mathematical concepts.
In this webinar, we will explore a sequential, coordinated series of TI-Nspire™ lessons that support a developmental trajectory of statistics and probability across grades six through eight. See how TI-Nspire™ technology can give students meaningful opportunities to develop an understanding of variability and distributions, draw comparative inferences about populations, develop and use probability models and investigate patterns of association in bivariate data. (2015)
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