T³™ Professional Development | For Teachers and Teams | Online Learning | On Demand T³™ Webinars

Ensuring Mathematical Success with NCTM’s Principles to Actions and TI Technology
Technology: TI-84 Plus family,TI-Nspire™ Technology
Topic: Mathematical Practices
Speakers: Gail Burrill, Jennifer Wilson
NCTM’s Principles to Actions offers guidance to educators by defining and describing the principles and actions that are essential for a high-quality mathematics education for all students.
In this webinar, learn how the TI-84 Plus family and TI-Nspire™ technology support the eight essential, research-based Mathematics Teaching Practices outlined in NCTM’s Principles to Actions. Whether you are a teacher, mathematics coach, or administrator, learn how TI technology can make the teaching practices from Principles to Actions come alive in secondary math classrooms. Explore free, standards-aligned, researched-based lessons that use the TI-84 Plus family and TI-Nspire™ technology to engage students in meaningful mathematical thinking, reasoning, and sense making, with the potential to raise the mathematics achievement of all students. (2014)
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