Determine which version of TI Connect™ software is right for your graphing calculator.

Key features
- Send and receive calculator files (programs, lists, images, etc.) to/from a connected TI-84 Plus CE
- Quickly capture calculator screen shots
- Capture and save screen shots with or without added borders
- View screens as thumbnails or in a slide show
- Copy screens to paste in worksheets, reports and presentations
- Send the graphing calculator operating system (OS) to the connected TI-84 Plus CE
- Save calculator files and screen captures locally or to your Google Drive™ online storage service folder
- View calculator information, including product ID, OS version and available memory

Screen Capture
Take and manage screen captures from your connected graphing calculator quickly and simply. The Screen Capture workspace also enables you to convert images to be used as a background on your calculator.

Calculator explorer
Connect to your graphing calculator to update its operating System (OS), transfer data, download calculator software applications (apps) and upload programs.
System requirements
- Chrome OS™ operating system version 77 (32-bit and 64-bit variants)
- TI-84 Plus CE OS 5.4.0 and greater
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