Education Technology

Solution 34655: Using the RandInt() Function on the TI-84 Plus CE and TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition.

How do you use the randInt() function on the TI-84 Plus CE and TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition?

Please Note: It is necessary to set the seed value, if you have not previously, by following the steps in KB#34503.

The randInt() function generates and displays a random integer within a range specified by lower and upper integer bounds for a specified number of trials. The syntax for the randInt() function is listed below.

randInt( lower,upper[,number of trials])

Example: Find three random integers between 1 and 6: 

• Press [MATH]
• Press the [Right Arrow] three times to go to the PROB menu
• Press [5] to select the command randInt
• Input the lower, upper, n values
• Select Paste and press [ENTER]

Your screen should display the following:

• Press [ENTER] twice to display the answer.

Note: The numbers you receive may be different then the numbers displayed above since the numbers are randomly generated.

Please see the TI-84 Plus CE and TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition guidebook for additional information.