Education Technology

Solution 25710: Converting from Decimal to Hexadecimal, Binary and Octal Using the TI-36X Solar Calculator.

How do I convert a decimal value to hexadecimal, binary and octal using the TI-36X Solar calculator?

To convert a decimal value to hexadecimal, binary and octal using the TI-36X Solar calculator, please follow the examples below.

Example: Convert 243 to hexadecimal, binary and octal.

Decimal to Hexadecimal

• Input 243.
• Press [3rd] [ ( ].

The calculator should display F3 as the solution.

Decimal to Binary

• Input 243.
• Press [3rd] [x] or [3rd] [multiplication sign].

The calculator should display 11110011 as the solution.

Decimal to Octal

• Input 243.
• Press [3rd] [ ) ].

The calculator should display 363 as the solution.

Please see the TI-36X Solar guidebook for additional information.