Education Technology

Solution 15929: Range of Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal Numbers that can be Entered on the TI-36X Solar.

What is the range of binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers that can be entered on the TI-36X Solar?

The following are the ranges of binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers that can be entered on the TI-36X Solar:


Binary Numbers:

Positive binary numbers as large as 111111111 (9 digits) can be entered on the TI-36X Solar. Numbers beyond this are interpreted as negative (two's complement) numbers.

Octal Numbers:

Positive octal numbers as large as 3777777777 can be entered. Numbers beyond this are interpreted as negative numbers (two's complements).

Hexadecimal Numbers:

Positive hexadecimal numbers as large as 2540BE3FF can be entered. Numbers from FDABF41C01 through FFFFFFFFF are interpreted as negative numbers (two's complements).

Hexadecimal numbers between 2540BE3FF and FDABF41C01 are equivalent to decimal values that are outside the range of the calculator and cause errors.

Please see the TI-36X Solar guidebook for additional information.