Education Technology

Solution 14486: Converting Between Degrees and Radians on the TI-30X IIB / TI-30X IIS.

How do I convert a number between Degrees and Radians on the TI-30X IIB or TI-30X IIS?

Please refer to the example provided below for converting numbers between Degrees and Radians on the TI-30X IIB or TI-30X IIS.

Converting from Degrees to Radians
1) Change the mode to radian by pressing [DRG] key, underline RAD, and press[ENTER].
2) Type the number to convert, press the [° ’ ”], and select the ° (degree) symbol.
3) Press [ENTER] for the result to be displayed.

Converting from Radians to Degrees
1) Change the mode to degree by pressing the [DRG] key, underline DEG, and press [ENTER].
2) Type the number to convert, press the [° ‘ “], and select the r (radian) symbol.
3) Press [ENTER] for the result to be displayed.

Please see the TI-30X IIB / TI-30X IIS guidebook for additional information.