Education Technology

Solution 12291: Performing Trigonometry Calculations on the TI-34 II Explorer Plus™.

How do I perform trigonometry calculations on the TI-34 II Explorer Plus?

To calculate sine, cosine, and tangent using the TI-34 II Explorer Plus, please follow the examples below.

Example: Sine of 30 degrees

1) Press [2nd] [TRIG] 
2) Press [=] to select "sin"
3) Input 30 and press [)][=]

The answer will be displayed as .5.

Example: Cosine of 30 degrees

1) Press [2nd] [TRIG]
2) Arrow over to "cos" and press [=]
3) Input 30 and press [)] [=]

The answer will be displayed as .866025...

Example: Tangent of 30 degrees

1) Press [2nd] [TRIG] 
2) Arrow over to "tan" and press [=]
3) Input 30 and press [)] [=]

The answer will be displayed as .57735...

Please see the TI-34 II Explorer Plus guidebook for additional information.