Education Technology

Solution 12255: Converting Degrees/Minutes/Seconds (DMS) to Decimal Format on the TI-30X IIS/B and TI-30XS/TI-30XB MultiView™ Scientific Calculators.

How do I convert degrees/minutes/seconds (DMS) to decimal format on the TI-30X IIS/B and TI-30XS/TI-30XB MultiView scientifc calculators?

The example below will demonstrate how to convert a number in degrees/minutes/seconds (DMS) to decimal format and vice-versa.

Example: Convert 78° 12' 2" to a decimal.

If using a TI-30X IIS/B calculator:

1) Input the value 78, then press the [° ' "] key.
2) Move the cursor under the ° symbol, then press [=].
3) Input the value 12, then press the [° ' "] key.
4) Select the ' symbol, then press [=].
5) Input the value 2, then press the [° ' "] key.
6) Select the " symbol, then press [=].
7) Press [=]. This will convert DMS to a decimal format.

The decimal form is equal to 78.20055556.

To convert this decimal back to DMS:

1) With the decimal still displayed as the last answer, press the [° ' "] key.
2) Move the cursor over to the left until it is under the '>DMS' selection. Press the [=] key.
3) Press [=] again.

The DMS format should be displayed, 78° 12' 2".

Please see the TI-30X IIS/B guidebook for additional information.

If using a TI-30XS/TI-30XB MultiView calculator:

1) Input the value 78, then press [2nd] [prb].
2) Press [1] to select the ° symbol.
3) Input the value 12, then press [2nd] [prb].
4) Press [2] to select the ' symbol.
5) Input the value 2, then press [2nd] [prb].
6) Press [3] to select the " symbol.
7) Press [enter]. This will convert DMS to a decimal format.

The decimal form is equal to 78.20055556.

To convert this decimal back to DMS:

1) With the decimal still displayed as the last answer, press [2nd] [prb].
2) Press [6] to select the >DMS (convert to degrees, minutes, seconds) function.
3) Press [enter].

The DMS format should be displayed, 78° 12' 2".

Please see the TI-30XS/TI-30XB MultiView guidebook for additional information.