Education Technology

Solution 12124: Computing the Average Rate of Change of an Expression on the TI-89 Family, TI-92 Family, and Voyage™ 200 Graphing Calculators.

How do I compute the average rate of change of an expression on the TI-89 family, TI-92 family, and Voyage 200 graphing calculators?

Use the avgRC() function to compute the average rate of change of an expression. This function is found under [CATALOG].

The syntax of the avgRC function is

avgRC(expression, var,[h])

h is optional.

The avgRC() function returns the forward difference quotient of the expression. The expression can be a user-defined function. h is the step value and if h is omitted, it defaults to 0.001.


1. Entering avgRC(f(x),x,h) will return (f(x+h)-f(x))/h

2. avgRC(x^2-x+2,x) will return 2*(x-.4995)

Please see the TI-89 family, TI-92 family, and Voyage 200 guidebooks for additional information.